Our "Thanks For Giving - Feeding Families" Initiative started as a Thanksgiving event we created to feed the homeless at the local shelters. We as a non profit organization would raise money, donate money and find a shelter who wanted our services. Our team would go shopping for the food, cook the food, set up and serve the food to all of about 100+ families in the shelters. Our founders would pick and area then go out and feed the homeless on the street with a hot home cook meals throughout the week of Thanksgiving. We believe that the experience we create can grow to a much larger initiative to help even more families.
"Our Annual Kids Christmas Charity Event" is an experience for kids between the ages of 3-10 years that we created in 2016 with the intent to give back to the children in the community. An idea turned into a successful event for 50+ kids and their parents leaving with big smiles, gifts and a amazing experience. From the amazing decorations donated by TMG Enterprise NY every year and the village of volunteers who either donated their time, some toys or their finances to make this annual event a success. Each year we try to make it bigger and better than the year before, with the help of the donors we can continue to make our goal a reality.
"Conversation of The Minds of Women" is a platform we created to bring women from all age brackets together to communicate about powerful life changing topics like motherhood, financial literacy, education, health and much more while bridging the gap between the ages. The power of communicating with liked minds and minds that see things different is a beautiful thing as long as you are willing to see the other person point of view.
"Seniors Matter" Initiative is something we implemented recently that is focused on giving back to our Senior Citizens throughout the community. We partner with Senior Citizen centers and bring various experiences to life for the elders. We feed them, communicate, implement happy memories back into their lives through different activities. We want to bring the gap between the age brackets and show the seniors that they truly matter to our community.
“Sset-it-Off” is a program providing opportunities to reach out to kindergarten thru college offering workshop for personal growth, anti-bullying, self-discovery, appreciation of life, values, responsibility, self-respect and to build friendship while having fun. It is designed to improve social awareness, motivation, and confidence, creativity and develop high self-esteem in an environment that stresses success. Through "Sset it Off" Mentoring this will allow them to feel confident about themselves and their achievements under the Entrepreneur Life Inc. organization.
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